Monday, September 26, 2011

The "Sorry-but-we've-been-too-busy-fishing-to-post"

So since the last post we've lost two mainstays here at Creeky to geographical relocations. Brett and Johnny Steelhead have both moved further south and we wish them luck on their travels. All is not lost however, if you wish to see them one last time, both are out fishing their butts off on dryside steelhead rivers for a few more weeks.

Speaking of fishing, we have been doing a lot of it. I just returned from a summer of guiding in Alaska and throwing beads at trout to a whole different ballgame on the Yakima of, well, throwing beads. Yes, I said it, beads. The King spawn is on above the Teanaway on the upper Yakima. You can fish glo-bugs, ESL's, 6-8mm beads of the Natrual Roe or Dark Roe variety and get that Alaska fishing experience right here in your own backyard without the Get-Yourself-Divorced pricetag. There are some large rainbows and cutty's sitting on the beds pounding eggs. If this isn't your cup of tea, Orange Stimulators, Yellow Humpy's, Elk hair caddis, Crane Fly's and BWO's will work for dry fly fishing and sparkle caddis, Pat's stone in brown or black, and Baetis nymphs in 18-20's. You could try twitching hoppers in the Lower sections and get fish as well. With the water levels be aware that floating the upper sections are treacherous and a raft is recommended or else you get to play pin ball with your driftboat, especially the Ensign to Bullfrog section.

Reports from the Ronde and Klickitat have been good. The Ronde is better down low at the moment but there are fish around, you just have to angle and find them. The Klickitat went dirty but dropped back into shape and turned that wonderful "Steelhead Green". Beads, ESL's, and black stones for the nymph show and if you prefer swinging (I know I do) HoBo Speys, moal leeches, Pick yer Pockets, Smaller Intruders, and some Silvinator Tube Fly's are your best bet.

There you have it my first blog post in over a year. I will try and not fish so much so I can update this more frequently, actually, that's a lie, it's steelhead season, I will update it whenever I get a chance but no promises. Come meet the new guy, Charlie Robinton and pick his brain for info and/or harass me. We love to talk, almost as much as we love to fish.

Get out and angle.

Feed Fish Flies

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